Showing all 5 results

#247 Woodn’t it be nice?

Released in Feb 2019, this Wee Heavy was allowed to mature and mellow at ambient temperatures, until it presented the harmony of flavours we were looking for.

#188 No Style without Substance

Just in time for summer comes this 11%, black, super hoppy beverage, 'cause you never know.

#179 Some men just want to watch the world burn

We’re a bunch of socialist lefties in Sweden, so the 20th of January 2017 feels like a pretty dark day for mankind. Instead of crying into our pints let's raise a glass to the majority of Americans who voted for tolerance, acceptance and love, and a middle finger to hatred and fear. Get some love at

#131 What a girl wants

Collaborations are an integral part of our brewing philosophy. We teamed up with the ladies from FemAle Social Beer Drinking to brew a beer simply called “What a girl wants”. Get in touch at

#126 Eternal Darkness

Eternal Darkness - an Imperial Stout

The winter nights in Sweden are long, dark and cold. This beer has been brewed to keep you company through those hours of eternal darkness. Find more dark beers at