Beer releases, Cans, Folköl, New Beers, Systembolaget, Tap Room

Beer Release #282. Li’l Pils – An unfiltered little Pilsner.

A can packshot of Li'l Pils, a low ABV (Folköl) Unfiltered Pilsner brewed by Swedish Craft Brewery Beerbliotek, in Gothenburg.
A can packshot of Li'l Pils, an unfiltered little pilsner. or Folköl, brewed by Swedish Craft Brewery Beerbliotek.

This is a little Pilsner. Our small take on a modern Lager. At 3,5% you could call it a Table Beer with a chewy mouthfeel and Czech and Slovenian hops.

When we asked the brewers what the difference was between Li’l Pils and our standard Pils Pls, they replied, “It’s like your mother giving you a brother, but with a different father”

Text on the label. This is a little Pilsner. Our small take on a modern Lager. At 3,5% you could call it a Table Beer with a chewy mouthfeel and Czech and Slovenian hops. Chill, sit back & enjoy this Li’l Pils.

Style Unfiltered pilsner

ABV 3,5%