Beer Release #288. Satsumas for the boomers. A Double IPA wIth Mandarin.
As a brewery we have always tried to brew new kinds of beers or variations of the same style. Satsumas for the boomers is no different. A clean double IPA with the addition of Mandarin.
As the seasons change and as the craft beer market developments so do we adapt the way we brew and what we brew. Satsumas is our 28th double IPA.
A complex layered aroma of Citrus, mainly Mandarin with tones of Orange. The flavours are a blend of Citrus, Mandarin, Grapes and Honey, ending with a balanced bitterness. A great beer to share with friends.
Text on the label. We understand that back in your day a Mandarin could only be labelled a Mandarin, but things have changed. At Beerbliotek we choose to accept and love without labels.
We love all Citrus at
Style Double IPA
ABV 8,0%