Brewery Updates, Cans

Through the years with Bobek Citra

From 2014 – 2022


Bobek Citra has been with us from the start and is still loved by all to this day. It was the 5th beer we brewed which turned out to be our longest selling American Pale Ale. It’s gone through all the revision in label designs and was even one of our first beers to move from a bottle to a can!

Let’s have a look at it’s evolution:

(Image: left to right)

2013. The very first Bobek design–with our old Sockerbruket labels that had Älvsborg bridge hand-drawn–along with each style represented by a colour (which we still use today). In this case, Pale Ales are light blue.

2014. During this time we named our beers after their ingredients. Pale Ale Bobek Citra: a Pale Ale with the addition of Styrian Bobek hops from Slovenia and Citra hops from the US. We call it Bobek for short at the brewery.

2015. Brand update with a total refresh of colour and design as we move into a bigger location and larger production. A more modern design, that shows off our colour pattern spectrum, new at the time, that associates our beers with styles and flavours (IPA’s are green, Pale Ale’s are blue etc). We also added more text onto the label, because at Beerbliotek, every beer has a story.

2017. From clangy, heavy bottles to light cans! Designs were printed straight onto the cans at this point.

2018. Same design, but we switched it back to paper labels. Because of reasons.

2019. New logo! Less is more, they say.

2022. Just last week we packed a fresh batch of Bobek Citra with our latest brand design for the first time. Today it is even more modern. Keeping it clean and smart for a contemporary feel. What do you think?


Look out for our new 2022 brand coming to all our cans.

Bobek Citra is at Systembolaget