Systembolaget, Folköl and festivals galore – Weekly Update

On Monday the 1st we released two new beers at Systembolaget, and all we can say is thank you, you seem to like them. It was also great meeting so many new people at the Nöjesguiden Beer Festival. We had a blast. Then this past week we also updated our website to make it easier for you to find our beers at Systembolaget, as well as getting hold of our Folköl or Low Alcohol Beers.
Thank you for Nöjesguiden.
First up, thanks to everyone who joined us at the Nöjesguiden beer Festival last weekend. We met a lot of new faces, made a lot of new friend. Compared to the year before when most people were looking for IPA and Pale Ale, this year it was our Imperial Stout and Berliners that seemed popular. Always appreciate the support.
Secondly, congratulations to our friends who were next to us the whole weekend, Värmdö Bryggeri who won Micro Beer of the year this year.
Upcoming Festivals
Växjö Beer Festival on the 9th of April
Actually Anders will again make his way to Växjö. Which beers he’s brining with him is still not clear, but there will definitely be one or two surprises.
For more information on the festival, have a look at their website.
Beavertown on the 13th of February
When we say we, we actually mean Adam, as he’ll be making his way across with some beer to join the other 30 breweries for this big bash.
Set the date 13 of February aside and get yourself down to Beavertown, for what they’re calling their Beaver My Valentine party. It’s going to be awesome, hope to meet some new faces, and potential fans of Beerbliotek beer in the UK.
Bergen Whisky & Beer Festival 11-13 February
Darryl will be travelling to the festival, which is also the first time Beerbliotek will be in Norway. So we’re looking forward to introducing our beers to the Norway market, as we have signed an agreement with the Palmer Group who will be our distributors in Norway.
If you want to know more about the festival, then follow them on Facebook.
Looking for low alcohol beers? Or as we say in Sweden Folköl.
On our website, you can have a look at a map, where you can see which stores, such as ICA & Hemköp already stock our beer. Below you can see the three beers we have in stock.
Unperial Stout
3,4% – Coffee Stout
Collaboration stout between Beerbliotek, Dugges and Da Matteo Coffee. The Challenge was to create a low ABV coffee stout with the full flavour and mouth feel of an Imperial Stout. We used copious amounts of Da Matteo’s single origin coffee from Carmin Joven’s farm in Colombia to create the great roasted tones and aromas in this beer.
Finding our beers at Systembolaget.
On our website, you can have a look at a map, where we feature the stores that will have our beers on their shelves. If you live in other parts of Sweden, then you can follow this link to order the beers directly from
Pilsner One-O-One
5,0% – Unfiltered Pilsner
This is our first attempt at a pilsner. We never attempted this style as homebrewers. It is generously hopped, and as with all of our beers, it is unfiltered and unpasteurised.
Eternal Darkness
11,0% – Imperial Stout
The winter nights in Sweden are long, dark and cold. We created this beer to keep you company through those hours of eternal darkness.
Bobek Citra
5,5% – American pale Ale
For this Pale Ale we use Styrian Bobek Hops from Slovenia and Citra Hops from the US. This combines the gentle citrus tones of European noble hops with the more in your face aromas of US high alpha Hops.
Raspberry Wheat
5,5% – Fruit Pale Ale
We ferment this Pale Ale with a massive amount of Raspberries. With 30% Wheat in the malt bill, it has a slight sourness we think works nicely with the Raspberry aroma.
Hip Hops
6,0% – IPA
Hip Hops contains a combination of what we consider to be the current “Hipster Hops”. A clean malt profile of Pale Malt and Carapils leaves a crisp clean finish, allowing the hops to really shine.
Black IPA
6,9% – Cascade & Columbus Hops
Cascade and Columbus Hops present fresh pine and citrus characteristics, combined with the coffee and liquorice tones from our blend of roasted malts. For us, it’s all the things a Black IPA should be.
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