World Cup Football and Craft Beer. What more do you need?

In this week’s Biweekly Brewery Update we look at our last eleven beers to celebrate the start of the Football World Cup, and chat about our second collaboration with Six Degrees North, amongst other beer related news.
Celebrating the World Cup Football 2018.
Here’s our last 11 beers brewed at our Kungssten Brewery.
This past week, we brewed beer number 221. We’ve always had the philosophy to brew new beers, while at the same time we have a standard assortment, or beers we really like, that represent us and our brewing philosophy.
So as you can imagine, 221 beers in five years, mean the number add up quickly, and we decided to show our last eleven beers we brewed, as a sort of way to celebrate the start of the Football World Cup 2018.
In the group of eleven, we have no less than seven collaborations. Hence the labels sort of get their own treatment in design and colour, all based on the beer style, the discussions with the brewers, or pretty much anything we find funny.
Better late than never . Six Degrees North. Just because it took so long for us to get this collab going at our brewery.
Strapontin. L’Ermitage. The word Strapontin means collapsable chair, or fold down chair, and was a word they could not remember the entire day, until after a few beers late that night, so we though why not just call it that?
I can’t undrink the things I’ve drunk. Whiplash. Song lyrics.
Hacerse El Sueco. Naparbier. It’s a Spanish collaboration, brewed in Sweden, and one of our owners Anders, who loves Spain, said we should call it Hacerse El Sueco, cause it means to play dumb, or play the Swede.
Scorched Tundra. Really simple, the name of the festival is Scorched Tundra.
Modersmjölk. Moon Dog Brewing. On a trip back home to Australia, Adam met up and brewed a beer with Moon Dog. It was a White IPA, and they thought it would be funny with a Swedish name, so they called it Modersmjölk, or Mother’s Milk. When we brewed it here in Sweden, we put Adam’s face on the label as punishment for calling the beer Modersmjölk 🙂
I don’t usually drink breakfast. Örebro Brygghus. It’s a coffee IPA and people always say “I don’t usually eat breakfast”, so we changed it to suit this coffee IPA.
The other four beers are our own creations so always have the diamond shapes as part of the design.
If I could, I surely wood. Our first rum barrel aged Stout.
What is Lagom, egentligen? A Rye Session IPA, where us immigrants question a word that Swede’s believe unique to their language.
Staring out Windows. This was brewed in the beginning of Spring, when everyone up here in Scandinavia, stares out their windows, hoping to see the first blossoms or the first ray of sun that warms the face.
Sorry not Sorry. A beer created by Jimmy, one of our brewers. He wanted to have a beer you can drink after a football match, when a lot of the tackles end with sorry not sorry.
Six Degrees North.
Better late than never.
Finally is all we can say, or better late than never. This has been a beer that’s been a long, long time in the making. Even before we brewed our first collaboration at their brewery in Edinburgh have we been talking about brewing a beer here in Gothenburg at our brewery.
Our first collaboration was part of their Foraged and Found collection where they brewed a few beers with different breweries. Ours was called Heather.
This latest beer is our first real New England IPA, where we also for the first time used a hop called Styrian Wolf, along with two other Ekuinot and Citra. It should be ready in about 3-4 weeks.
Borefts Beer Festival 2018.
See you in The Netherlands.
2-3 years before we started the brewery we went to our first festival in Bodegraven, with De Molen. We’ve been there twice, but not once since we opened the brewery, and never as the brewery. But all of that has changed, cause we’ve been invited to attend this year’s festival 2018.
We brewed our interpretation of the festival beer recipe, which is what all attendee’s have been asked to brew… something black and strong… with a twist.
Hello Göteborgwits.
Our Witbier is heading to Systembolaget.
In February 2017 we got together with our friends from Odd Island Brewing, for our first collaboration. We brewed a Witbier at their brewery, which is a tad smaller than ours, and called it Göteborgswits, to celebrate the Gothenburg wit. A month later, we brewed that same beer during an Open Brew Day at our brewery during the GBG Beer Week 2017. The idea was to allow people to taste the same beer, while they watched it being brewed.
“A Witbier (Belgian for “white beer”) is a Belgian-style ale with a pale, cloudy appearance due to it being unfiltered and brewed with a high level of wheat. Witbiers are typically spiced with coriander and orange peel and has a crisp finish due to the high carbonation. Some brewers may also use oats and/or grains of paradise.”
This specific Witbier is a hoppy melon witbier, and will be available in Sweden at Systembolaget on the 1st of July 2018.
Odd Island Brewing is a small microbrewery on the west coast of Sweden, run by two guys with a passion for craftsmanship. The first half of their lives, as grown ups, were spent as the rhythm section of the band In Flames, where they learned the art of cooperation and how to keep everything afloat. Those experiences they took with them as they entered the magical world of beer.
As bands do, they travelled a couple of laps around the globe in a tour bus which afforded them the chance to try many different types of beer. They learned what beer should taste like or not taste like, for that matter, which they brought along when they started Odd Island Brewing in 2016. They have the ambition to do everything by hand, as they try to brew, package and deliver themselves.
Sweden’s best rated Session IPA.
Now in over 120 Systembolaget stores.
A Moment of Clarity, which rates as Sweden’s best Session IPA is now in more than 120 stores in Sweden, and possibly even more stores. When we brewed this for the first time in 2017, we wanted to brew a beer that was sessionable and accessible to everyone, and we’re very happy with the feedback and support we’ve received.
If you’ve not tried it yet, and you live in Sweden, then have a look if your local store sells it. If they don’t then ask them to get it in, and let us know what you think.
Saying hi to some friends in Scotland.
I missed the Biweekly Brewery Update two weeks ago, cause I went to Scotland to say hi to some friends at their brewery. It was a little bit bigger than ours. Or maybe not even a bit… BrewDog is massive. Hats off really, for what they have achieved so far.
We were lucky to be treated to a private tour of all of it. My favourite part was their sour brewery called OverWorks, but unfortunately didn’t get a chance to taste anything.
Stepping back into our brewery this past week, I was reminded of our own journey into Craft Beer, from only having four 1,200 litre tanks, to now having two 5,000 litre tanks, eight 3,000 litre tanks and nine 1,200 litre tanks, plus exporting to twenty countries. Not too bad, but not even close to the scale of what BrewDog has done.
Again, hats off, one can but dream.
And finally.
Our Brewery Tap Room is open again on the 6-7th of July.
Our Tap Room is closed over the Midsummer vacation, but open again on the 6-7th of July. We’ve made some changes outside and busy with the changes on the inside, so come and say hi when you get the chance.
Until next time.
Cheers from Beerbliotek
Get hold of our beers.
Visit our Systembolaget page, to see the entire range. All of them can be bought can buy in-store at certain stores, or you can order them to your closest store via
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Folköl (Low ABV Beers)
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Have a look at the beers from our Standard Assortment, or the new beers from our Special Assortment.
If you’d like to get hold of our beers from the distributors, then get in touch, and we’ll link them up with you. If you’re keen to distribute our beer in your country, then get in touch, and we can discuss possibilities with you.
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